Choco Cup

Posted on Shootmania Storm via Lyyras 3 years ago

The Shootmania Obstacle Choco Cup occurs the 15th of each month at 21pm, so the day of week will change every time.

The default format will be the "One Finisher Cup" format:
- Skip to the next map when one player finishes the map
- If nobody finishes in 5min, we skip to the next map
- You gain one point by CP reached (goal included) -> Everybody get points
- Maps are random, we play on the MaxMap server
- I don't know the maps that will be used in the cup, so we may skip some maps (buggy, extreme...)
- Duration is around 1h15. You can join during the cup.

The format can change sometimes (it will be annonced before).

Why this name ? Because everything sound better with the "Choco" prefix.
Good luck to all choco-players, maybe you'll win many choco-planets. Don't Choco-rage.